3 Popular Goal- setting Techniques Managers should Avoid
In order to effectively set goals for organizations, there are a few popular methods that must be avoided or used with modifications. The first such method is SMART goals. The acronym SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound. While SMART techniques must be used but not as a guideline, but just to check whether all goals are clearly stated. That is primarily because in that case employees tend to assign lower expectations for themselves than those they feel will be difficult to achieve. There is a concept called Cascading goals. Here, each level sets its own goals before percolating down to the junior levels. The senior’s goal-setting must be considered as otherwise the corporate strategy is likely to go haywire, yet that must not be a limiting factor for other individuals to plan theirs. The third method is the use of percentage weights to each of the goals. Here all the time-defined targets are broken down depending on their level of importance. This is way too specific and difficult to quantify, so instead weights must be assigned on broad spectrums such as High, Medium or Low.