Engage your Employees so you can Engage your Customers
Customer engagement is any process where company representatives interact with customers on some level not restricted to buying or selling. Modern business philosophy suggests that disengaged customers not only discard the brand but also spread negative word of mouth. That is why extra efforts are being taken up to avoid such a scenario. Yet, this proactive approach may not yield the best of results because as business research firm Gallup would testify, only a third of workers in the USA claim to be engaged. In fact disengaged employees cost losses worth US$ 370 billion per year according to estimates. A majority of disengaged workers cite lack of leadership at senior management level to be their main reason. So before reaching out to customers, it is necessary to keep employees engaged. Non monetary benefits such as growth opportunities, gamification rewards or professional acknowledgement can go a long way in this. The inputs as well as ensuing outputs must both be measurable.