The existing workforce needs to be readied from now itself for the impending age of automation. Some elements of that age are already around us. Enormous amount of data, mobile devices, quick transmission and increased data warehousing means that a lot of traditional companies are finding it difficult to cope with. Driverless cars or trucks have already started delivering people or goods depending on the need. Even robots are getting adopted by various organizations. HR professionals are increasingly tailoring humans with machine learning in order to cope up with upcoming changes. Risk or compliance supervisors will mainly need to watch over bots which by nature are not susceptible to mistakes or fraud. Even sales people will be able to link up with bots to deliver product information to potential customers at the exact point of their requirement. The change will not be sudden so they must be seamlessly enforced. Each work stream’s representatives must hold dialogue with the implementers on how the upcoming technological revolution can exist they latent skill sets. Thus company heads must start planning at the macro level.



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