10 Visual Marketing Tips to Master Social Media Engagement
Visuals play a massive part in digital marketing today especially when conducted using social media outlets. Infographics for example must be used to represent large scope of data instead of wordy scripts. User or peer generated content is easier to create and more relevant to the online readers than expert commentary. Content must be personalized and tailor-made for specific situations. Though a lot of marketers feel the need to go for original rather than stock photos, this presumption is wrong as a lot of stock photos are among the best in the line and such free resource must be leveraged. Also a lot of people lack photography skills, so instead videos must be used as they anyway have the best engagement. Video or visual content must advertise values that the organization believes in. Graphics must also be posted for general information and not only for direct selling. Memes are emotional attachments or pointers and these must be used to the hilt as long as the humour is relevant, funny and not insensitive. To explain minute aspects, screenshots must be made use of. Finally, for any set of instructions, carefully crafted visuals must be used.