The more Senior your Job Title, the more you need to keep a Journal
Research has found out that the more senior positions a professional reaches in one’s organization, the greater arises the need to reflect upon work. This is best done in slow mode exemplified by maintaining a journal. While a lot of managers may maintain such journals on laptops or tablets, since slowness is desired, so a handwritten one best enables expression of clear thoughts. CEOs for example need to work on the corporate strategy so a clear grip on proceedings is of utmost importance. It has also been understood that repeating an action in the brain results in improved learning. There is a brainstorming approach called “second solution method” according to which switching off one’s brain is actually beneficial to arise at solutions. Journal entries also record the emotions under which any activity was viewed by the person at the time. Such notes must be made within twenty-four hours, as any delay may result in ignorance of the most crucial of aspects. The primary outcome must be recorded first. The root-cause for such outcome must also be chronicled. Lastly, emotions that led to such feelings must also get recorded. A lot of senior professionals avoid doing this due to crunch of time.
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