Building a Blueprint for effective Employee Engagement
In order to increase customer engagement, it is essential to know one’s audience. Before doing this though, companies must understand its employees. This piece of business intelligence on employee engagement may be gauged through methods such as suggestion boxes, surveys, scorecards and listening tours. Proper employee engagement helps in improving motivation levels, enhancing the measurement of work done and sets a direct engagement with work. In order to excel at such engagement, companies may be advised to put together a few cultural norms in the right place. First of all, a sense of belonging and inclusion needs to be inculcated. Constant corporate training must be provided. A feeling of togetherness and cohesion must be forged. All dealings with employees must be transparent. None of this can exempt the monetary bit, so competitive wages or salaries need to be met. A proper system of looping feedback must be integrated. Performances must be recognized. Crucially, employees must feel empowered and trusted at the workplace.
Uploaded Date:20 July 2017