What to do when you’re returning to a Company you used to Work For
The concept of ‘boomerang employees’ has recently caught up where former employees who left earlier, now re-join. The re-joining could be at a more senior position or in a different profile even. While the acceptance of such employees was not widespread earlier, it has spiralled due to a tight labour market, so people prefer trusted old hands. Nonetheless these employees do face troubles assimilating, so they could use some tips to proceed ahead. Firstly, they could start by reintroducing themselves, as times change, and people also do. The developmental opportunities earned at the other places could be highlighted. Due to the change in the person, and those existing older employees, the expectations on both sides need to be revised. Being more formal would be advised as the context has evolved. The boomerang employee must begin with a positive attitude, so it does not appear re-joining was a last resort. The company’s talent management capabilities will be tested by the ease of onboarding that the boomerang employee will face. The latter similarly must grasp the opportunities. The returnee must not behave like someone with all guns blazing, but instead pace one’s entry smoothly, offering gradual transition. For this to proceed, perspectives must be offered neatly without offending any. The perspectives gained from the experiences in between, need to add up the values of the team, rather than bringing them down.
Uploaded Date:15 November 2017