7 Lessons on Life and Business learned from Peter Drucker
Peter Drucker was among the most influential of business writers and thinkers of the 20th century and a lot of his ideas remain highly relevant to the day. Having consulted leading organizations over decades, certain lessons emerge on life and business. One of them is that true leadership involves empowering those closest to the decision process rather than being pushed down from the top by managers. The best ways to achieving excellence at talent management and employee retention is to give them a challenge which is truly big, so the really good ones can be drawn to the inspiration. Also, employees need to be treated as volunteers, implying that they must feel part of something bigger. Another issue is that most companies look at solutions to problems, rather than finding out why a task is being done in the first place. This needs to be reversed. Drucker was also opposed to laziness, and felt that those who got easily bored, were so due to their own narrow horizons. Companies often look to the past for inspiration and end up dwelling on failures. This leads to the future being compromised and business innovations being ignored. Finally, Drucker always stressed on the need to remain humble.
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