How the best Restaurants in the World Balance Innovation and Consistency
The high-end restaurant business is fraught with several risks and associated turbulences. While they can often pre-book months in advance, and charge hefty fees, enormous levels of perfection are required to succeed. While cooking as an art is essentially creative, top restaurants stress on consistency. Thus, the kitchen staff need to hone their perfection over hundreds of hours before they can be trusted in. Getting three Michelin stars is a matter of great prestige but requires through consistency. In this melee for consistency, many lose out on creative terms. For this, there is another list called the 50 Best Restaurants of the World, which values business innovation. While Noma has received top rank in this list, it only has two Michelin stars. On the other hand, a restaurant in France founded by the legendary Paul Bocuse, has had three stars for the longest time, but does feature anywhere on this list. Creativity and innovation are not mutually exclusive though and some have married the two together. Examples include the Fat Duck in London and El Bulli in Spain. These restaurants’ experimentation labs are very different to those of FMCG giants.
Uploaded Date:06 February 2018