Most companies tend to have leader with an operational skill-set, who know how to maintain control. However, very few companies possess the kind of leadership to steer the team in a strategic design. A study by PwC in 2015 concerning around six-thousand senior executives, confirmed that only eight percent of the leaders were strategic and good at leading transformations. The study also confirms that women are more likely to be strategic than men are. In order to hone such strategic skills, responsibilities must be divided equally, and leaders must understand how to delegate tasks. Information must flow through freely. Idea testing must take place around multiple paths. The environment must allow failure as only then will innovations be tried out. Other strategists must have access so that they can contribute effectively. On-the-job, experience-based learning must be encouraged. The talent recruitment done must provide space for transformation to occur. Enough time must be found out to reflect on work and absorb the learnings. Finally, the team must realize that leadership development is a continuous process, so cannot be conducted over one-time management training sessions alone.


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