Challenges and Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence for Good
The International Telecommunication Union’s (ITU) top policy- making body had its annual meet in Dubai between end October to mid- November. Some key trends have emerged that got outlined here. One such trend is that Artificial Intelligence’s (AI)rise shows no signs of stagnating. It can sift through enormous quantities of big data within moments to bring out useful insights. One such utilization is with regards to high- resolution images using drones, medical scans or satellites that can help practitioners identify emergencies. If used in the right manner, AI can help countries meet their 17 United National Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs). In particular, the deployment of Machine Learning is allowing devices to derive solutions using algorithms, rather than depending on human programming. There are several challenges of course, not least being the threats to cyber- security. To ensure that the powers remain confined to the good use, a diverse set of stakeholders must be involved in the design and development of such AI systems. The bot can deliver the business intelligence, but it is humans who will be making use of the conclusions towards the decision- making.
Uploaded Date:28 December 2018