Are you Addicted to Power?
It is well-known that power is addictive and corrosive. Too much love for power can have short-term gains, but difficulties over a period of time. History is witness to en number of power addicts who fell for the trap towards eventual destruction. Having power over others, boosts testosterone, which in effect leads to increase in feel-good dopamine. However, too much of this dopamine can lead to hubristic and impulsive behavior, leading to reduced empathy, a sure sign of poor grip on talent management. Checks and balances are thrown out of the window, with business leaders engaging in catastrophic M&As. This emanates from rash decision-making, leading to faulty planning. To resolve such issues specific corporate training sessions for leaders must be designed which look at cultural audits and a three-sixty-degree leadership feedback. Worker’s councils can also be gauged to realize potential troubles arising in the leadership.
Uploaded Date:30 May 2018