With digital transformation becoming imperative, companies are appointing board directors to ensure this transition smoothly. Four categories of such transformative leaders have been identified. The first of them is the Digital Thinker who has limited hands-on experience but understands the broader picture from the corporate strategy point of view. Then there is the Digital Disruptor who is the opposite, a hands-on technology person but with little managerial experience. The third type is the Digital Leader, a person who hails from a traditional industry but has overseen its transformation to the digital age. The Digital Transformer is similar to the third category though lacking the seniority, but with greater digital astuteness. The fourth category is one that starts at the lowest level, and that is where most companies are nowadays starting so as to reengineer entire processes and not just from the board level. This produces a more end-to-end strategy.


Uploaded Date:21 October 2017

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