A lot of hidden conflicts can emerge when groupthink or her mentality becomes the norm at any organization. In a recent book, the massive talent management challenges faced at such stages have been outlined. This book has been written by Patrick Lencioni and called The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. There are a few instruments which if used properly, can curb the onset of groupthink in any organization. The cultural values will need to be amended likewise, but in a gradual, phased manner. The first thing to develop is mental agility, so that the employees are flexible enough at work to experiment periodically. A sense of cognitive humility needs to be built within the organization to foster a sense of intellectual diversity. Employees need to believe in a sense of psychological safety while they are working at a firm.


Uploaded Date:31st December 2018

While a lot of newspaper column inches and TV news reel gets dedicated to a lot of negative events, positivity can also be a contagion that spreads. In order to inculcate a culture of positivity, companies ought to deliberately cause this contagion. A fine example can be cited from the case of Mercedes Bez USA during a transformation drive. Harry Hynekamp, who was the inaugural general manager for customer experience devised what can be termed as a talent management masterstroke. He wanted all the workers to feel genuine pride at the company’s efforts at customer servicing. So, he made them all visit various customer service centres without prior notice to the centres. After the commendable work they themselves experienced, there was no more any need for convincing.


Uploaded Date:03 December 2018

Feedback is often considered a modern workplace ritual whereas in truth it is as old as life itself. That is why the words organization and organism share the common root. Feedback mechanism often go really bad at companies due to the intrinsic pressure created. This happens to both the feedback provider and the receiver. Mock negotiations are a very good method to procure business intelligence on the human aspects within any organization. This is the kind of feedback which should spurt action. A culture of ‘brittle smiles’, as psychologists put it to refer to organizations which practice a ‘culture of niceness’. Such places do not want to confront with the truth. A scientific and anthropological study has pointed out that human brains are still attuned to threats, which is why feedback often ends up so badly. To go past this, the SCARF model can be something of a solution. It stands for status, certainty, autonomy, relatedness and fairness.


Uploaded Date:03 December 2018

The use of the word cult is usually associated with religious or spiritual gurus. It can even be applied to political ideas. It means a strict adherence to some idea. Many businesses too flout such cult-like norms at work. This often leads to improved loyalty among the team members, but a stifling of any creative juices. The leaders tend to be charismatic and good speakers. They also infuse elements of magic in team talk to maintain that iron-like grip. There is a constant fear-inducing with an ‘us versus them’ approach being followed. There is a paranoid thinking that permeates at such places. Ultimately, it is not good for inducing business innovations because every decision flows through one person or built around a certain idea. People live in fear as dissenters are to be punished.


Uploaded Date:17 November 2018

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