The importance of a positive company culture is now pretty well acknowledged. Several studies have pointed out how companies which do well on the culture front, tend to record higher rates of profitability. For individual companies to achieve this, it is necessary that the internal culture gets aligned with the corporate strategy. For this one thing to do, is to improve the role fit. This is not just something done during the recruitment stage, but indeed a pervasive task. Leading talent recruitment portal LinkedIn, has found out through its study how about two- thirds of employees would rather forego a high pay package, than tolerate a poor work environment. These roles need also to be connected to the broader purpose. Likewise, deliberate efforts need to be made to ensure that connections are established at the workplace.


Uploaded Date:16 April 2020

Several big businesses have been guilty of not willing to change at times of much societal and technological change. The phenomenon is known as loss- aversion, a term much used in the social sciences. This has been very well explained in a recent book The Power of Bad: How the Negativity Effect Rules us and how We Can Rule It. It has been co- written by two authors. One of them is Roy F Baumeister, who is a renowned research psychologist, while the other is John Tierney, an award- winning journalist. Well- funded organizations remain cautious to the point of never exploring realistic business innovations. To change this mentality, the top leaders of the firm, need to build in a “tough- minded optimism”, a term coined by the legendary leadership scholar- John Gardner. Startups are doing a better job of reinforcing innovations. This book mentioned also cites the power of four, where four positive points are needed to counter one negative.


Uploaded Date:27 February 2020

A report has been tabled by management consulting giant McKinsey on why companies must whole- heartedly embrace diversity at the workplace. There are commensurate financial returns to back up this entire idea. Among the companies surveyed during this study, those that are in the top quartile tend to be thirty- five percent more likely to post above median average financial returns. Those that have directed their talent recruitment drives to ensure greater gender diversity, do likewise. Diversity is also more prized across financial parameters in the UK, like in the USA. The top performers’ EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxation), rises in the UK by 3.5% for every ten percent commensurate rise in gender diversity. Racial and ethnic diversity too have similar outcomes.


Uploaded Date:21 February 2020

Management thinkers Lisa Lahey and Robert Kegan have used the term “developmental cultures” to great effect. This has managed to highlight organizations that are not obsessed with performances alone, but also curate a growth culture. The work environment at such places feel safe, as people can experiment, or even fail, as long as it helps them learn on the path to developing business innovations. Continuous learning is encouraged through transparency, inquiry and curiosity. Self- protection, judgment and certainty are not the learning modes. Time- defined manageable experiments are set off at such places. There is also a continuous feedback loop, to ensure instant rectification in processes. A delicate balance is striven between nurturing and challenging.


Uploaded Date:28 January 2020 

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