Mobilizing Young People’s Creative Energy
Imagine Nation is a company trying to create a system where all strategies can be aligned to the ultimate aim of fostering business innovations. Such innovations will eventually enable the disruption of businesses. Cognitive dissonance is required to effect this as it impacts people significantly. There exist several stages which are- avoiding, distorting, disconfirming, reassuring and reevaluating. For this one needs to identify the gaps between the corporate strategy drafted and the existing reality for sourcing creative energy. The creativetension further must be applied in a manner to generate desired outcomes. For the authentic perspective, both pull and push strategies need to be employed on people. One must keep in mind that cognition is ultimately about the head, emotion about the heart, will about the gut feelings and the body about actions.
Uploaded Date:31st October 2018
Google Managers use this simple Framework to Coach Employees
Project Oxygen was an internal research exercise undertaken by Google to study and analyze the unique qualities that made a top-notch manager. Business analytics was performed on over ten-thousand bits of data to determine best practices that make the most effective of bosses. Eight traits were identified as most significant in this. Among those, the ability to be a good coach stood out top. Google has set out certain parameters which define it top coaches. They need to be good at providing timely and specific feedback. They must tailor management training approaches in such a way that needs of differing kinds of people can be catered to. He/she must frequently ask open-ended questions to the employees in order to gauge their acumen. Such managers must practice “active” listening. Google uses the GROW concept to make this work. GROW includes Goal, Reality, Options and Will. Goal refers to the Objectives and Key Results (OKRs). Reality is about a grasp on the present situation. Options are aboutthe diverse approaches that can be followed. And Will is about the commitment and willingness employees show towards executing a deal.
Uploaded Date:09 August 2018
How to Banish Bad Habits from your Company
A lot of companies, both big and small, have been guilty of letting faulty practices creep in, eventually letting the company rot. Newer entrants often exploit this gap, with incumbents being too busy to spot their own flaws. Sometimes, bad habits get ingrained so deep, that the top executives even forget about their best practices. An analogy may be drawn from certain tribal societies where tattooing may be harmful for the one receiving, but nonetheless is displayed with a deep sense of pride. Sometimes the bad habits that get inadvertently built into the corporate strategy, started off due to some genuine advantages. These advantages were more visible than the disadvantages, but in the long-run, it is the latter that has the greater impact. Sometimes, even governments and regulatory bodies can unintentionally aid this, by putting results ahead of procedures as is the case with the IVF industry in the UK. Companies have also been found guilty of faulty benchmarking, where blindly concepts are taken out from industry leaders, irrespective of scale or context. This inhibits their innovative abilities. Bad habits also often spread like wildlife, a bit like herd-mentality.
Uploaded Date:03 March 2018
Double your Creativity with One Simple Step
Repeated experiments have brought out solutions to help induce increased bites of creativity. There is a subtle difference between the brain and the mind, as recognized by psychologists and psychoanalysts today. While the brain is the hardware that absorbs experiences, the mind is the software that analyzed all experiences to form coherent meaning. A management training routine involving a simple game of handcuffs worked with several sets of teams revealed that most failed to win this due to over-analysis. When the mind was shut-off, the teams solved the conundrum within minutes. This is by using an old quote by Albert Einstein when the legendary scientist talks about the importance of absorbing the question in before going out to solve it. Human beings are adept at leaping or jumping to conclusions. The Einstein solution discussed in the book Winning the Brain Game, though is frame-storming. At the first stage, questions need to be generated. Once this has been done, the problem-solver has to simply decide on the two best options to choose, before whittling it down to a single solution.
Uploaded Date:27 February 2018