The world has been disrupted enormously thanks to technologies such as robotics, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, autonomous driving, white spaces and additive manufacturing. This has reshaped industries such as banking, shopping, eating-out, communication, medicine, manufacturing and traveling. Amazon, Facebook and Google didn’t even exist a generation back while Apple and Microsoft were just starting. Today these form, five of the USA’s six top companies in terms of market capitalization. One thing that has not changed though is the need for strong leadership. This today is becoming a herculean task as demonstrated by management consulting giant BCG. even highly experienced personnel from high-tech aerospace or defence are not meeting the desired levels. Some steps can however be taken in the right direction such as embracing agility with work processes. The related concept of flexibility also has benefits. Another is the conscious ingraining of the company’s core values and principles. Before overcommitting to any of these principles, any company must seek out the choices and decide post detailed analysis.


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