The term Design Thinking has been around since 1969. But very few companies have actually embraced the concept wholeheartedly. For those who have, the prize returns are exponentially high. A look through the S&P 500 index will show us names such as Disney, Netflix, Nike, Tesla, P&G, Apple and Amazon, companies which have perfected their designs so reaping the rewards. For such firms, more than a department, design is what drives the processes. Departmental silos give way to cross-functional teams. They curate expertise not from only single fields, but make experts from different walks of life work together. People at such places are hands-on, so they prefer the proverbial garages to cubicles. They do not adopt aesthetics as component for any specific project, but is indeed a continuously evolving maxim embedded in their corporate strategy. The research they undergo is that involving the full-spectrum. Their innovations are not aimed at one type development, so the continuously prototype. They gauge business intelligence by engaging with customer groups. The changes they envisage go beyond the incremental to brave new ones.


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