Analysing the Presidential campaigns of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, some conclusions may be drawn on how they speak and interact with various stakeholders. They have both gone through levels of training, both formal and through exposure, on how to handle these various stakeholders. A Communication Preference Styles Survey (CPSS) was developed by a professor from INSEAD to compare these communication styles. Four broad methods have been deduced, the first of which includes the Rational Communicators. These are direct, logical and factual, but may lack empathy. The second type are the Structured ones, as they are meticulous, with an eye for detail. Their focus is on the corporate strategy, but may miss out on tiny details such as abstract ideas.  Expressive Communicators are passionate, but not necessarily followers of logic. They are relationship-oriented so excel at talent management. Visual Communicators too usually struggle with details, but express their ideas in an animated style using images and metaphors. Hillary Clinton appears as a logical straight-shooter who fits in with styles 1 and 2. Donald Trump though emerges a champion in showcasing passion and strong emotions.


Uploaded Date:21 November 2017

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