How to Cultivate Leadership that is honed to Solve Problems
With business processes undergoing a gradual, yet rapid change, a kind of leadership needs to be cultivated that will be geared to solve the future problems. If needed, companies need to implement management training programmes that will curate this form of futuristic leadership among a few at least. There are some characteristics that such leaders tend to display. One is a clear distaste for office politics. Another is a frame of mind that goes against the traditional leadership or authoritarian mannerisms. He or she needs deep expertise in one’s area, plus a passion to cool down the problems, even if they can’t be instantly solved. They need to step up when needed, but also know what it takes to step out as well. These leaders tend to possess a Spartan office, as they have little interest in the typical trappings of bossism. They don’t mind stepping out of the usual status quo. Unfortunately, these challenge- driven leaders aren’t always the best at talent management. That is why their focus on team members’ social or emotional needs, isn’t well focussed. But they are highly tolerant of some members’ idiosyncrasies, knowing fully well how those few individuals contribute disproportionately high to the final outcome. Another fault of theirs is an overdose of reliance on numbers or micro- analysis. These traits typically serve them well when leading any entrepreneurial venture.
Uploaded Date:31 March 2020
The Best Leaders are Versatile Ones
It has been roundly observed that the best of leaders tend to be versatile as well. This versatility entails several other related qualities. While leading, these leaders can be forceful as well as enabling at the same time. Behaviourally, they can assert positional as well as personal power. They possess exceptional talent management which they showcase by involving others, as this brings out the best in the people. Versatile leaders take charge, are decisive, but also demanding. They empower their team members, while also supporting them. The best of leaders are good at the operational side, but also excel in drafting the corporate strategy. The company’s direction is then focused towards long- term growth and innovation. They bring in the much needed discipline which goes a long way in execution and implementation of the tasks focused on.
Uploaded Date:11 March 2020
Understanding the Leader’s ‘Identity Mind trap’: Personal Growth for the C- Suite
Business leaders at several organizations may be afflicted by what may be termed as an identity mind trap. A lot of this has happened due to the optical illusions common to how human life has evolved over the millions of years on earth. There are energy- saving, though perhaps imperfect, shortcuts. There are four forms of mind that people could be having. These are the self- sovereign mind, socialized mind, self- authored mind and the self- transforming mind. The right management training exercises can help transform the business leadership’s minds away from the usual to matters of significant requirement. Some questions exist which could be posed to understand where one stands at present. The first is to question one’s beliefs. The next would be on what if the person concerned could be wrong. The third one is for what are the aims for the future.
Uploaded Date:27 February 2020
Every Leader needs to Navigate these 7 Tensions
Over the recent years, there have been several studies that have pointed out the shortcoming of the traditional style of leadership, to be soon replaced by an emerging style. The old style preferred a command- and- control mechanism, while the newer one, relinquishes of idea of ‘telling’ people what to do. The assumption is that the employees will be motivated enough to improvise on their own. However, those practicing the new methods must also be able to navigate the older styles. There in fact, exist several tensions that arise periodically, that the new- age manager needs to be adept at. The first tension is between the Expert and the Learner. The next one is about the Constant versus the Adaptor. The third is when a Visionary who is adept at framing the corporate strategy, needs to pit his/ her wits against someone who is a tactician. A Listener’s struggle against a Teller is next. Then comes the struggle between a Power Holder, versus someone who believes in being a Power Sharer. Intuitionists and Analysts inevitably go through such tensions as well. The last one is that between an Accelerator and the Perfectionist. To ace these tensions, the executive needs to be self- aware and also understand to sense the contextual awareness. One has to continuously learn, practice and adapt.
Uploaded Date:27 February 2020