How Managers can prevent their Teams from Burning Out
While no organization would in its right mind want to burn-out its employees, many of them inadvertently end up doing so. A survey was anchored by Deloitte recently to understand this phenomenon, where sadly it came to be realized that more than three-fourths of respondents had experienced such burnout. This is true even though a higher figure had even confirmed at feeling passionate about their work. About two-thirds had felt workplace stress and a similar figure is unhappy with the efforts taken by the employer. A fifth even went as far to state that no corporate training programmes were arranged to combat this stress. The Deloitte survey brought out some key recommendations which companies would be well advised to follow in this regard. For a start, real weekends and holidays need be encouraged. A culture must be created where the achievements are celebrated and good deeds recognized.
Uploaded Date:09 August 2018