The best business books of the year 2019 have now been identified by a select group of experts. The first such list has been presented for the areas of corporate strategy. One book that makes this list is Creative Construction: The DNA of Sustained Innovation, written by Gary Pisano. Another is Seeing Around Corners: How to Spot Inflection Points in Business before they Happen. This one has been penned in by Rita McGrath, who speaks about how business trends do not emerge overnight, but can be traced to earlier developments. Th surge in the sales of hearing aids, or the preeminence of digital marketing are two such examples. The third one is Connected Strategy: Building continuous Customer Relationships for Competitive Advantage. This one has been co- authored by Christian Terwiesch and Nicolaj Siggelkow. All three of these books bring distinct and unique ways to strategize in business.


Uploaded Date: 14th December 2019

Retirement age is often a matter of debate, and the C Suite is not averse to this discussion either. Over several discussions with different CEOs, some patterns have emerged which are the perfect steps to phase the retirement period. The first thing they all need to follow is to finish strong to retire on a high. This is particularly true for CEOs as they’re likely to have worked with a lot of pride, so need to feel the same, while quitting. A year before the retirement date set, the CEO must undertake specific management training, by consulting a therapist of career coach. If married, one must also discuss the matter with the spouse. One must also engage in goodbyes the right way, to be able to make a clean break. Before making any final commitments, one needs to take six to twelve months, to think over this matter. But once the decision is made, the CEO needs to move on. There are several good options for retiring CEOs. Serving on corporate boards is one very popular option, as is to get in to teaching. Some, even write books. Others lead non-profit organizations. One can even create a foundation. Some could serve in the government, or join some private equity firm.


Uploaded Date:2 November 2019

Cyber threats are now one of the biggest impediments to success of businesses. The supply chain industry is no different. Some steps have been identified by the experts, that can help prevent such surprise supply chain attacks. One of them is to get a thorough understanding of the supplier network. Business intelligence needs to be collected on the risks that are inherent while working with suppliers and third- party partners. The supply chain must also be included while framing any remediation or response plans. Overall, the company must work towards increasing its visibility of the supply chain, developing a relationship with suppliers based around trust, and to work towards a plan that will mitigate such risks.


Uploaded Date:28 October 2019

For professionals to be successful at organizations, one needs to navigate two kinds of conversations. One is the explicit, open discussion. The other, involves the undercurrents one gauges tacitly. Reading between the lines is a critical skill one needs to possess in the modern workplace. Some ways have been identified which need to be followed, to ensure it can be incorporated. One is to be a keen observer. One needs to especially look for the quick micro expressions. Another is to not talk too much, by exerting a control over the same. The business intelligence captured, needs to be further interpreted using an analytical lens. Any hypothesis made before embarking on the work, needs to be checked against. Whatever perceptions one has, must be tested in practice.


Uploaded Date:03 October 2019

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