A new book has been penned in by Neil Irwin title How to Win in a Winner- take- all World. This book speaks about how a management career can be most fruitfully conducted. It speaks on how to become a superstar in a high- performing team, within a top firm. Those who really did well, are the ones who embraced changes in direction. The concept of Pareto optimality has been brought out in this book. Under this, one cannot improve the situation on the one hand, while also further worsening the situation, simultaneously in another. Google is one company whose talent recruitment system is perfectly attuned to this reality. That is why they hire with an eye on specific requirements of the future.


Uploaded Date:10 August 2019

A few simple habits have been observed, which help a lot in improving one’s critical thinking. This ability is deeply important for present day leaders to possess. One is to constantly question assumptions. This will help in considering alternative courses of action. The entire reasoning behind decisions needs to be taken with use of logic. Common fallacies can also then be easily identified. And third habit to be inculcated is to espouse diversity in collaboration and thought. A diverse team helps in ideating and then executing business innovations. The entire hiring process needs to be driven towards diversifying the team. These are all simple habits, but rare in practice.


Uploaded Date:30 July 2019

While a low- carbon economy is in the minds of all, there are some obstacles in achieving it. An energy transition is taking pace, though not at the desirable pace. Societal, technological and business factors come in the way of the larger adoption of renewable energy. There is a standard amount of gigajoules consumed on a daily basis that can define a comfortable life. This figure must be between eighty and one- hundred. An average resident in the European Union region goes up to one- hundred and thirty gigajoules, while the figure goes up to two- hundred for Americans. A developing country like India is at twenty- five only, but the figure is set to rise. There are many businesses that want to leverage this drive towards cleaner energy consumption. A radical shift may not be imminent, nor may a carbon tax idea do much good. The solution to this is hybridization. Business innovations need to be carved out where cleaner energy may be combined with conventional sources, to ensure mass viability.


Uploaded Date:29 July 2019

A legacy from the post- industrial and early digital age has been the cult of staying busy. Being busy shows the person is in demand, and productive at work. However, in the present circumstances, especially with work being so connected to digital devices, work martyrdom seldom works. Terms such as workacations or busyness, much in vogue now, evoke little genuine value. Instead, it is important to log out and unplug. Taking rest is good for generating and then executing business innovations. Sometimes, it is good to simply get away from the physical location of the work space. Post any break, it is important to not let any kind of burnout, from creeping back in.


Uploaded Date:29 July 2019

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