For CEOs and other part of corporates’ top leadership, talent management has to be the key business agenda over the next few years. It starts from the very top where a G3 needs to be created. This G3 must include a CEO, CFO and a CHRO. The critical top two percent most productive, needs to be tapped in to. The entire board too needs to be brought onside, and mobilized towards the talent initiatives. The talent needs to be developed not only through corporate training programmes, but also via the use of projects. This will enable the upcoming talent to taste hands- on pressures. It will also help the employees be equipped with the skills they really need. The people- based decisions have to be taken with due consideration of data. HR needs to be seen as a strategic partner in this entire initiative.


Uploaded Date:26 June 2019

One of the biggest challenges over the next few years in the business world would be that in talent recruitment. This is because of a sudden shortage, thanks to the proliferation of new technologies, that require a more specific skill set. A lot of re- skilling efforts will also need to be worked out. In order to tide over these tough times, some methods need to be applied. One is obviously to build a talent pipeline. This is through corporate training sessions to re skill, up skill and re train the staff. Another is to redeploy them in different areas of work or different geographies. Of course, one option is to hire the best of people available at the budget. One even has the option of releasing some duties, but outsourcing or even divesting part of the business. Voluntary attrition may also be encouraged in a way. One last way to dealing with this is to rent resources. Making use of freelancers, using open source assets and forming strategic partnerships may help at this.


Uploaded Date:26 June 2019

Andres Iniesta has been amongst the greatest footballers to have embraced the game over the last decade or so. He has won everything the game has had to offer. Yet, his farewell picture that went viral, went beyond merely winning and losing. It portrayed a sense of loneliness that all human beings go through. Yes, he will have a whole new career in Japan, but his time at Barcelona came to an end, thus signifying, the end of an era. Beyond his own career on the field, Iniesta was also someone who gained the respect from across opponents, both at club and international level. Companies should also understand the human undercurrents. Those with good talent management systems tend to make sure that farewells are most respectful, as well as engaging. The space in between that Iniesta occupied that night in Barcelona, is termed by academicians as liminality, or space between the two worlds. By such respectful farewells, a lot more can be communicated.


Uploaded Date:26 June 2019

All kinds of emotions are experienced at work. This includes positive feelings, but also of course, negative ones. Such feeling may end up motivating or even discouraging the team players. It is about the talent management capabilities of the leaders, that determines how such emotions are handled. Such leaders regulate well. Others rant about failures, while many even suppress their true emotions. None of these two behaviours help. A number of negative outcomes emerge as a result of this. For a more positive climate, coaches and managers need to constantly reappraise members in their team. Leaders need to use this reappraisal muscle succinctly. This is the part of reassessing emotional situations.


Uploaded Date:26 June 2019

The practice of hiring people, for a specific location, no longer remains sacrosanct. Due to the rush of the gig economy, a lot of the talent recruitment now takes place for freelancers and remote workers. This has several benefits for all the stakeholders involved. First of all, it opens up the talent pool to a much wider audience. The hiring managers too get an incentive, as they can now create diverse teams. Individual employees perhaps benefit the most, as they get to stay close to their families, and waste less time on intra- city travel. To ensure that this recruitment goes as best as possible, the company needs to conduct deep due diligence procedures. Individuals’ leadership capabilities need to be assessed. This becomes crucial, as remote workers need to stand out from a distance, with minimal personal connection. Substantial investment needs to be made in relationship building. Trust becomes a key factor when people are working from a distance. And finally, there must a periodic check on the logistics and technology part, so that this does not hamper the smooth work flow.


Uploaded Date:24 June 2019

While it wasn’t known at the time of formulation, the HR practices shaped by Netflix, have gone on to get accepted as the norm across industries. These practices have such widespread adoption, that documents pertaining to the same have been viewed millions of times online. It was jointly curated by the then Chief Talent Officer and by Reed Hastings, the Founder- cum- CEO. Freedom and responsibility are the two major maxims followed by Netflix. While a lot of companies rely purely on technical qualifications to hire new people, Netflix’s procedure entailed identifying the holistically developed individuals. Once the new hires do well, they are quickly rewarded. Performance reviews are authentic, as the truth is spoken. It is the managers’ responsibility to hone the best of teams. The top management though is responsible for the overall company culture. The HR practitioners here, put greater focus on talent management and innovation.


Uploaded Date:24 June 2019

The Champions League final was recently held at the Wanda Metropolitano in Madrid, with Liverpool defeating fellow English club Tottenham Hostpurs. While Liverpool may have picked up the winner’s gong, it has had to share the glory with Madrid tourism. Madrid ended up the displaying an exemplary performance in terms of hospitality. The level of booking crossed above ninety percent in the city, as per business intelligence supplied by AEHM. Most hoteliers were in fact searching for British tourists, as they formed the bulk of the football visitors. This hallmark event proved to be a major platform for showcasing the city to an external audience.


Uploaded Date:12 June 2019

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