Back in 2005, an idea floated by an article at the Harvard Business Review (HBR) has gone on to receive much appreciation worldwide. To that extent, the model came to be known as the Reflected Best Self Exercise (RBSE). It is now widely used in team building, leadership development and management training exercises. This technique is about providing good feedback about the positive aspects in each participant. As part of this exercise, the participants are also supposed to ask questions. Many people brush off compliments, as they aren’t comfortable receiving them. In return, one has to study one’s own successes. This will give the person an idea on what he/ she did right, so that the positive practices can be repeated. One can then enact one’s best self and take it forward.


Uploaded Date:20 May 2019

At the workplace, people are often confused, who to trust. This is difficult to gauge, but one easy parameter to keep in mind, is that people who are prone to bouts of guilt are more likely to be trustworthy. Those who trust too much may instead get fooled by scamsters. Those good at talent management, can instinctively differentiate between those that can be trusted, versus those liable to get fooled. Ones who are guilt prone, are likely to take greater care of their work, so that they do not feel this level of guilt later on. A lot of this guilt also arises because of colleagues who will otherwise see the person in a different light. So, peer- pressure is a major part of this assessment.


Uploaded Date:20 May 2019

A new book has been released titled The Person you Mean to be: How Good People Fight Bias, written by Dolly Chugh. She is a Professor at the Stern School of Business, part of the New York University. This, as the name suggests is a book that speaks on biases, and how one must look beyond them. Diversity and inclusion are nowadays being touted as crucial indicators in any company’s talent management manuals. These have even been identified as critical factors behind innovation and creativity at any organization. Unconscious or implicit bias is often an impediment to achieving real diversity at any firm. To gauge this, there is the Implicit Association Test (IAT), that can be taken. People need to move away from jargon- centric terms and focus on the real values associated. Sociologists, economists, historians and political scientists are all these days talking about such unintended biases.


Uploaded Date:20 May 2019

All too often in the workspace, processes and efficiency have been ramped up to achieve perfection. However, these are skills for which machines and robots exists, while human beings ought to be used for more creative pursuits. According the right level of freedom to employees is a major step in the right direction in the field of talent management. To achieve this, three major strategies have emerged. To star with, one must focus on the capabilities that will boost up the performances. Next up, work environments need to be redesigned to cater to these capabilities. High impact must be targeted right from the outset, using the early initiatives. The impacts then need to be quantified using both operating metrics as well as the front- line ones.


Uploaded Date:20 May 2019

All human beings go through highs and lows of confidence levels. Regardless of one’s position or past, there are bound to be moments of low confidence. In order to regain one’s confidence on these occasions, one must actually leverage the value of this dip. At these times one must reflect on the misses and hits. At this intersection, one goes through what is called the authenticity paradox, as one keeps doubting oneself. Mastering this will help improve in the long run, one’s talent management abilities. Inner compromises need to be also reduced. The professional needs to take a step back, and even occasionally maintaining the foreboding silence to stem over the tide. One must also sacrifice one’s needs at such moments including advocating for one’s ideas.


Uploaded Date:16 May 2019

As success in the modern workplace is often measured by how high one can reach in the hierarchy, becoming a CEO remains the dream for most. So, employees whenever they see their paths to the top blocked, often switch jobs or even set up their own startups. Such activities often lead to success, but very often once it is achieved, sheer stress takes a toll. Many end- up wondering whether all the toil was worth the effort. United Airlines and Tesla have seen their CEOs suffer major health issues, but companies rarely admit to stress, as it would affect the brand’s talent management credentials in front of potential newer hires. To get past this issue, CEOs need to reserve some time to thinking. Leadership and communication processes need to be constantly upgraded. CEOs also need to work on their inner confidence levels. Management training exercises must be frequently undertaken by the CEOs, making use of external coaches. These leaders must also periodically test for random organizational reality. A balanced attitude towards life must be maintained.


Uploaded Date:16 May 2019

Millennials now make up about a third of the workforce, so understanding them will be crucial to one’s growth and success at work. A study has been conducted by the MIT Sloan School of Management which highlights some key characteristics that define the millennial MBAs. One key trait is that for millennials, writing isn’t a key task during a work day, unless it is for a Power Point presentation or for emails. Producing attractive presentations on the other hand, is a key task. Business Intelligence tracked by the MIT Sloan clearly attributes 85% of those surveyed having highly favourable opinions towards the rigor needed towards these presentations. To take things further ahead, in the future, data visualization will attain even greater levels of importance, as a top skill needed.


Uploaded Date:13 May 2019

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