On- boarding is a key process during any employee’s journey within a company. Typically, this takes place immediately post the talent recruitment stage has been completed. A botched on- boarding process can lead to several problems arising in the future. Now, with remote work increasing, the entire definition has turned on its head. At first, companies need to take care of the hygiene factors. In this case, it is about addressing the support and logistical issues, so that work- from- home can be smoothly managed. The company will also need to determine what kind of access the new recruit would be allowed at first, and crucially, what all will be restricted. The orientation and management training will need to also be arranged for, in whatever capacity now possible. The new recruit too needs to work on developing relationships with a new set of people, and quickly. The hiring manager could be most important here. Likewise, working bonds need to be established with one’s immediate mentor, direct reports, peers and representatives in key functions. On- boarding employees need to understand that it takes a great deal effort more at times of crisis like it is right now. So, one needs to take care of the payoff before embarking on this journey.


Uploaded Date:30 April 2020

The US job market is now facing its greatest crisis in decades, thanks to the onslaught of the COVID- 19 pandemic. To somewhat relieve the pain that jobless individuals may now face, a new AI- powered network has been deployed. Known as the Talent Exchange, this has been developed by the FMI (Food Industry Association) in collaboration with Business consulting giant McKinsey is an active supporter in this initiative. The Talent Exchange is available in fifteen major languages. It is a talent recruitment tool that uses AI to connect people and their skill sets with the kind of roles that companies require people for. This platform seeks to keep a balance between lives and livelihoods, amidst the ongoing pandemic.


Uploaded Date:28 April 2020

Losing one’s job has repercussions far greater than merely the loss of income. It can also trigger several psychological disorders, beginning with a complete loss in self- esteem. Employment also enables human beings to have a purpose in life. Thus further helps in the establishment of proper routines. There is now a greater uncertainty in the labour market than has been for decades. The talent recruitment pipeline seems to have dried up. This is further leading to tremendous economic costs for individuals as well as their families. Studies have also identified that mothers and fathers tend to view unemployment through different prisms. Governments and employers across the scale need to rethink this entire situation. Perhaps something representing the Universal Basic Income could be the solution right now.


Uploaded Date:28 April 2020

With the COVID- 19 pandemic crisis upon us, now is the perfect time for leaders to step up. They need to up their game not only in terms of boosting productivity, but also in their talent management skills. What they say now, will have a major bearing among their team members. One way to ensure that is by staying informed, to be able to communicate the right insights. Business intelligence can thus be shared by all, to ease the situation, once the peak of the crisis has been contained. Team members must also get a sense of being heard at this juncture. Leaders must also stay focused and on track now. This will help focus employees’ positive energies towards the future rather than repent on the overall negativity, that has become the norm during this crisis.


Uploaded Date:16 April 2020

For all those who can’t wait to get back in to the ‘normal’ life of pre COVID- 19, there may be further troubling news. Many experts believe that there may never be a return back to that version of the normal. Instead, the concept of ‘distance’ is back, for the first time since starting to fade from the 1990s. Those businesses that are efficient and resilient will be the ones that will survive this deep mess. The contact- free economy will be on the rise. For marketers, it thus means boosting up their teams’ digital marketing capabilities. There could also be increased government intervention in the economy. Businesses would now be exposed to greater scrutiny than has been the norm since long. At the end of the day though, professionals need to show positivity. They need to extract new ideas and silver linings even where little seems to exist.


Uploaded Date:16 April 2020

Across management institutions, MBA students go through the Maslow’s Hierarchy, propounded first by management thinker- Abraham Maslow. Amidst the COVID- 19 crisis, this theory seriously needs a rethink, now that about a third of the world’s population is under lockdown. The idea of a ladder to be climbed now appears rather elitist and entitled. There have been previous criticisms as well, mainly centred around the lack of scope for overlapping of levels. Globalization will be hit immensely. The individualistic self- actualization may need to be revisited. The business innovations of the post COVID- 19 world will need to include more of social responsibility. Brands will need to revise their positioning, while global supply chains will be under much scrutiny.


Uploaded Date:31 March 2020

Much compassion will now be needed at the workplace in the wake of the ongoing COVID- 19 crises. On the contrary, human beings are often known to have thrown compassion out of the window at times of such crises. This ongoing crisis must be viewed as an opportunity to establish further connect. It must be widely accepted now, that all humans will be coping differently. Further, one needs to be generous in terms of the personal interpretations. There should be no harm in acknowledging one’s true feelings. Crucially, co workers’ home lives, too are now relevant for all. Good talent management at this juncture is to be empathetic to professionals’ work and personal lives. Sufferings cannot be compared.


Uploaded Date:31 March 2020

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