Due to the digitization of workplaces, direct conversations are getting rarer. That is why, significant numbers of professionals engage in the comfort of office emails often with their fellow colleagues with whom a face-to-face chat would have been more effective. This instead takes away time from important productive work. In fact, business research conducted by the Harvard Business Review confirmed that employees on average spent four-fifths of their office time responding to emails or getting involved in meetings. That is why, a lot of companies have installed internal social networks to develop this sense of belonging. More often than not these do not cause the desired effect. Employees for instance, are fearful of posting anything there which may be challenging to their superiors. A lot see this as simply another layer of work so go back to company outlook. However, this gap can be solved if the senior executives play an active role. They need to frequently post so employees see this as an important engaging activity. The global workforce and digital processes are there to stay, so companies and its employees need to embrace it rather than challenge the same. So such ways must be incorporated to ease the pressure.


Uploaded Date:27/06/2017

As per a study conducted by LinkedIn, the employee value proposition or organization brand matters immensely during the talent recruitment process. In fact the study confirms that nearly three-fourths of recruiters polled agree with the statement. The best methods to execute this are company website, social media and online professional networks. Nearly three-fifths say that the investment in employer brand has increased. Figures suggest there is a two times quicker hiring process and fifty percent cost savings when this is done. For this the candidate experience has to be streamlined so that the process is smooth. Employee generated content such as blog posts and videos must be used for digital marketing as it enables the process to be ‘human’ and accessible. Crucially, the recruiter must understand the kind of candidates applying for positions.


Uploaded Date:19/06/2017

Gamifying has emerged as one of the principal methods to conduct talent recruitment by firms across the board. This is especially true for startups as many of them struggle to get the right personnel. Most organizations have admitted to committing hiring mistakes. As per a report by Talent Tech Labs, this figure stands at a staggering ninety five percent. Talent Board meanwhile asserts that nearly ninety percent of organizations allow candidates to complete application forms even after the screening tests failed them. This is due to the desperation for qualified people. A lot of such application forms are bland so to engage the aspirants more, gamifying methods are adopted involving videos and images. Firms such as Arctic Shores and Debut for example let candidates compete at video games during the screening process. Such avenues are evidently ideal testers for cognitive ability recognition.


Uploaded Date:19/06/2017

A lot has been made about robots replacing human beings at the workplace. More than half the HR managers polled in a survey recently conducted by Career Builder clearly affirmed their belief that Artificial Intelligence will play a major role in human resources. However, instead of feeling fearful, most of them feel that robots will never be able to replace them, rather will complement them. A top HR manager requires equal dozes of IQ and EQ to execute tasks and plan corporate trainings for employees. Automation can however ease a lot of repetitive tasks. Another survey conducted across seventy nine countries by business consulting giant PwC confirmed that fifty two percent of CEOs polled are looking at options to engage humans and robots as a team.


Uploaded Date:19/06/2017

Talent recruitment is one task where IT giant Microsoft excels in. They need to be really good at it to capture the finest of talent. The company believes in transparency with any candidate who is getting interviewed regarding his/her growth path and the timelines the company expects. Microsoft is experiencing something of a rebirth in the last few years with older revenue streams getting stagnant or even redundant, being replaced by newer ideas. A recruiter needs to be like an adviser to any new recruiter aspirant. Microsoft is an organization of insatiable growth appetite thus ambitious young professionals will attain a perfect match.


Uploaded Date: 22nd May 2017

The conventional forms of talent management and recruitment are now getting dates due to new age challenges which are multi-pronged in nature. Thus newer methods are needed such as using digital marketing to create a brand image about the company as a place to work before the actual recruitment takes place. Even the word ‘talent’ has been much misused. It does not simply imply that a person can replicate his/her previous performances in this new role, but the candidate must be a cultural fit in the role. The aspirant must demonstrate initiative. Another major flaw emerges during the onboarding phase. The training imparted during this period must align with the profile explained during the selection process, or else attrition is common in the first few months. Finally, real time feedback is needed to understand what exactly are the challenges- professional or cultural- that new hires or older employees are facing. This is particularly relevant now in the era of constant technological disruption.


Uploaded Date: 19th May 2017

Talent management is a particularly challenging aspect in the ongoing digital era. To this extent, Forbes along with Oracle have conducted a study to understand methods to best improve it along with talent acquisition and onboarding as well. For this, a multi-channel recruitment strategy needs to be adopted involving LinkedIn as well as employee referral portals. The onboarding stage must include information on career management and growth. They must be provided corporate training on self-service and collaboration portals. Social networks must be created to connect key personnel and build a network of professionals. A flexible work environment must be created utilizing cloud capabilities and removing data silos. For further assistance on training, employees must be armed with digital compatibilities. They must be explained how they fit into the overall scheme at the organization. They must be allotted mentors whom they can approach for individual counseling or evaluation.


Uplaoded Date: 19th May 2017

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