If you’re not outside your Comfort Zone, you won’t learn Anything
There are several aspects at work which professionals are aware will bring them benefits, yet they do not venture for this. This is because they aren’t familiar with such tasks. The reluctance to come out of a certain comfort zone is crippling for several professionals. First of all it is important to be honest with oneself and not give excuses. Individual behaviours are unique and no professional can be good at all aspects of communication. One needs to start rectifying such traits by taking small steps. Even corporate training programmes aim to isolate trainees in situations where they aren’t comfortable so that eventually they win over their fears.
Source: https://hbr.org/2016/07/if-youre-not-outside-your-comfort-zone-you-wont-learn-anything
Power Shifts to the People in Job Hunt
Source http://www.strategy-business.com/blog/Power-Shifts-to-the-People-in-Job-Hunt
Listen to your employees, not just your customers
Source: https://hbr.org/2016/08/listen-to-your-employees-not-just-your-customers
The 5 types of Millennials you need to know about
The Five Traits you should prioritize when Recruiting Executive- level Talent
Different levels of the workforce present different talent management challenges. While recruiting for the executive level, certain attributes must be prioritized over pure metrics. First of all the candidate must be humble. The executive may eventually rise to be a leader so he / she must be able to possess some motivational skills. Executive level candidates must be able to persevere against several levels of challenges – organizational, personal and market. The person must be show a sense of trust and respect towards others as well as garner those traits for oneself. The executive must understand that success in career to quite an extent depends upon risks undertaken, so he / she must brace up for such vulnerable situations.
Source: http://www.forbes.com/sites/forbeshumanresourcescouncil/2016/08/11/the-five-traits-you-should-prioritize-when-recruiting-executive-level-talent/#71920f3e2bb9
Why you should interview people who turn down a job with your company
ource: https://hbr.org/2016/08/why-you-should-interview-people-who-turn-down-a-job-with-your-company
Three ways small startups can attract big tech talent
Source: http://www.forbes.com/sites/theyec/2016/07/28/three-ways-small-startups-can-attract-big-tech-talent/#13a254fc644a