A study has been conducted to gauge the major trends taking over the MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions) segment in 2018. The first thing that organizers need to take care of is increased security measures, in the wake of heightened safety threats. Contingency plans must be evaluated, ready and tested before the actual event. Paris for example lost substantial tourism revenue following the attacks in 2015, but has recovered most of it due to seriousness is security being shown. As per business research carried out by the MPI (Meeting Professionals International), more than three-fifths of respondents are seeking an increase in attendance among virtual visitors. Thus, a curated experience needs to be provided for high-level visitors involving virtual reality and artificial intelligence. An analyst at IBTM has confirmed that companies in the fintech, IT, pharma and automotive sectors are now being targeted to participate in such events. London, Berlin and Barcelona have emerged as the most sought-after destinations for MICE travel in Europe followed by the likes of Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Paris, Rome, Prague, Madrid and Munich.


Uploaded Date:01 March 2018

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