The War of Platforms: French Government to launch an Airbnb Competitor
American tourism giants Trip Advisor and Airbnb plus Dutch compatriot may no longer hold monopolies in their respective areas, thanks to an upcoming venture in France. The French government has outlined plans to invest in a national booking platform to rival these foreign giants. The project costs is expected to be well over a billion Euros, to be funded primarily by Bpi France and by Caisse des Depots. In order to revive the flailing tourism sector in France, the central government has allocated eighteen billion Euros’ worth of investment. Airbnb remains extremely popular in France, with more than eight million people in the country having used the same last year. This has however, not prevented the company from laying off a fourth of its workforce, and this further diminish the pool of tourism jobs available worldwide.
Uploaded Date:09 June 2020
Countries discuss Corona Corridor to save Tourism
After the prolonged lockdown all over the continent, the European Commission has now agreed to partially start reopening the national boundaries. Instead of an all- out opening, the plan is to create tourism corridors so that people from neighbouring countries could visit each other. This may work better in countries with the fewer cases by percentage and absolutes. One such planned collaboration is between Croatia and the Czech Republic. Croatia has in fact chalked up similar plans with several other countries such as Slovenia, Austria, Hungary, Italy and even relatively far- off Germany. This business innovation could help stave off the imminent disaster that is set to affect the tourism industry. So far this year, inbound arrivals have reduced by a staggering seventy percent, thus heightening the fears on the possible loss of scores of tourism jobs. The Czech Republic for its part is also trying to open up the borders with fellow Slavic nations, especially with neighbours Slovakia.
Uploaded Date:29 May 2020
Spain: Rural Tourism reports a Rebound
With different sectors of the economy slowly opening up, the one that is likely struggle the maximum to get back to earlier levels, is tourism. Spain is one country extremely dependent on this sector for its overall economy. A sub- segment within the broad sector, is rural tourism, which could be the first to open up. Lodges operating on this model, barely tend to have six to eight rooms, with few occupants, so social distancing can be easily maintained. Business intelligence gathered has shown a staggering one- hundred and twenty- two percent rise in demand for rural tourism. Andalusia and Catalonia have emerged as the most popular destinations for the same.
Uploaded Date:29 May 2020
Encouraging Travellers with Labels and Health Certifications
Disparate but inter- connected players within the broader travel and tourism industry are coming together to devise novel solutions, so that the sector that get a relief from the present pandemic- induced gloom. One such business innovation proposed has been the introduction of charters and certifications, which will be provided together by event specialists, hotel groups and destinations. This will ensure compliance with the standards expected post the COVID- 19 restart. The Accord Group is already making headway, having partnered with Bureau Veritas to create a foolproof certification that will ensure full compliance of its properties. The AHLA (American Hotel and Lodging Association) has come up with similar health safety guidelines for the entire USA. For the outdoors, a “Campings Clear Care +” label has been proposed.
Uploaded Date:25 May 2020
Green Areas in Europe set to save the Tourist Season?
As tourism is such a critical industry for the overall economy of Europe, plans are afoot to somehow restart this in a phased manner, following the long COVID- 19 induced lockdowns. Spain and Italy in particular are extremely dependent on tourism to take care of its economy and employment levels. Millions of tourism jobs could be directly or indirectly affected. Two professors from the ESADE, which is a Spanish business school, have submitted a report detailing innovative ways to reopen the sector. They have suggested the corralling of “green areas”, which are the safest as of now from the pandemic. They feel that some tourism- related activities need to be restarted in these areas, as more than three- fifths of annual tourist traffic to these two countries arrives between June and October. The Balearic Islands for instance fall under this green zone. Travel restrictions to these areas could be eased up from both within the Schengen Zone and outside it.
Uploaded Date:25 May 2020
COVID- 19 forces Businesses to Invest in Hotel Technology
The ongoing COVID- 19 pandemic has forced businesses to invest in the relatively nascent field of hotel technology. It has been pointed out by researchers that about ninety- eight percent of all hotel visitors leave before making any reservation. Thus, websites are being streamlined by which room booking can be done smoothly. Live chats are being facilitated. To further boost hoteliers’ digital marketing footprint, the presence on social networks is being ramped up. Digital means of payment are being universalized now. One area where hotels will need to work on, will be closer cooperation with call centres. Some are being set up specifically for the hospitality sector itself. Emails are being used as the last- mile connectivity, in order to boost loyalty among the customers.
Uploaded Date:20 May 2020
Online Tourism Marketing is essential in the Time of Isolation
As the world is facing an extended period of isolation, tourism companies have realized the importance of digital marketing, in order to reach the last mile. With nearly all sectors of economic activity badly affected, advertisers are seeking to leverage the digital ecosystem to reach their customers. Some web- based industries are in fact doing better now than before. Tourism though has been hit the hardest. Business research conducted by e Studio 34, which is a marketing agency, claims that the sector has made losses worth 47% during this period. Construction, advertising, transport, real estate and manufacturing are the other biggies badly hit, but still much less than tourism. Most players in this sector have adopted a wait- and- watch stance. Future success depends on the decisions made right now. Many experts have actually been actively sharing their tourism marketing tips for the hard times.
Uploaded Date:20 May 2020